Circular economy: opportunities in plastics recycling business in China

SAI has comprehensively investigated the plastics recycling industry in China; with the following key takeaways:

  • China accounts for 23% of mismanaged plastic waste globally
  • Other Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam also contribute significant mismanaged plastic waste

There are significant inefficiency issues within plastics waste collection and recycling in China, thus creating business opportunities for various interested parties including plastic compounders, recycling equipment suppliers, and plastic products processors (e.g. bottles, films, packaging materials, plastic equipment components).

Brand-owners of products containing plastics packaging or plastics components also have opportunities to create more environmentally friendly products with higher recycled material content or also with totally new innovative products based on recycled plastics materials.

Waste collection service providers and government are also potential beneficiaries and key stakeholders of the circular economy. SAI has identified several of these key participants in China.

SAI has also assessed the plastics recycling circular economy in India and Indonesia, with similar findings.

SAI is well positioned to support clients in navigating these business opportunities in the plastic recycling ecosystem. SAI conducts authentic primary interviews with players along the value chain to provide fact-based insights that help clients to develop actionable investment strategies and to formulate effective marketing and sales activities as well.

SAI has developed a complimentary short executive briefing “Plastics recycling in China”. For a copy of this document or to discuss how SAI may support your business within the circular economy, please contact Greg Downes at  or call +65 6550 9827.

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